covid update

If your student has been exposed to Covid-19 and is asymptomatic, they have the option to Test to Stay in school.  Click this link to register for Test to Stay: TEST TO STAY LINK

Please read the following article for more information:

Test to Stay Research Study
Study updates (1/3/2022)

Below are modifications to the Test to Stay (TTS) research study, which permits students and staff to stay in school following a known SARS-CoV-2 exposure. The updates below consider new guidance from the CDC and the updated NCDHHS StrongSchoolsNC toolkit. Students and staff who were previously enrolled in the Test to Stay study must re-consent to participation each school semester. If your district consented participants for the Fall 2021 school semester, you may use the same REDCap e-consent link for the Spring 2022 semester. As a reminder, your district’s REDCap e-consent link can be found in the “Cheat Sheet” document within your district's Duke Box folder. Once completed, the consent is valid for the entire Spring 2022 semester. In all settings (e.g. universally masked districts and voluntary masked districts), the participant must agree to wearing a mask in accordance with the NCDHHS StrongSchoolsNC toolkit dated 12/30/2021 (e.g., for 10 days after the exposure).

Universally Masking Districts
• Consenting participant will be permitted to stay in school and should receive two tests:
     o Test #1: Day 1 or day of exposure notification.
     o Test #2: Day 5. If day 5 falls on the weekend, a negative test result on day 4 or 6 is
• Students may continue to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities while enrolled in the TTS study.
• Students and staff must remain negative on COVID-19 test(s), remain asymptomatic, and continue to wear a mask in school.
• Non-household, outside of school exposures (e.g. exposure at a birthday party, church, sleepover, etc.) may enroll in the study.

Voluntary Masking Districts
• Consenting participant will be permitted to stay in school and should receive three tests:
     o Test #1: Day 1 or day of exposure notification.
     o Test #2: Day 3.
     o Test #3: On Day 5 or later. If day 5 falls on the weekend, a negative test result should be
obtained when the student or staff member returns to school prior to resuming
athletics and extracurricular activities.
• Students are not permitted to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities until after Day 5 of the TTS study.
• Students and staff must remain negative on COVID-19 test(s), be asymptomatic, and continue to wear a mask in school and during school-sponsored activities until day 10 after their known exposure.
• Non-household, outside of school exposures (e.g. exposure at a birthday party, church, sleepover, etc.) may enroll in the study.

Additional Details:
- Students and staff enrolled in TTS may attend field trips and school-sponsored activities.
- To be eligible for the TTS research study, participants must have the ability to receive at least
two COVID-19 tests. If needed, tests can occur on days 4 and 5, or days 5 and 6 following the

- Household and congregate living exposures are excluded from enrollment.
- If a participant has a subsequent exposure within the testing period (through Day 5), the study
timeline should restart, and the participant should be tested on their new notification day, and
then follow the testing schedule outlined above.
- If a participant develops symptoms, they should isolate at home and follow the testing
requirements outlined in the NCDHHS StrongSchoolsNC toolkit. If under the toolkit, they are
eligible to return to school, the participant may resume testing via the TTS study.