Hello from the NC Education Corps,
NC Education Corps is activating North Carolinians to support K-12 students in the wake of Covid-19, and we need your help assembling our inaugural Corps.
If you know community members who might be interested in supporting NC students as part of North Carolina Education Corps this spring, please point them toward our informational webinar next Thursday, November 19th, from 7:30-8:30pm EST.
In addition to sharing information about NC Education Corps and our vision, the webinar will include time to answer questions about the program ahead of the priority application deadline on November 22nd.
At NC Education Corps, our call to action is simple: Help us tackle the most pressing needs of our schools across the state. Connect with an inspiring group of North Carolinians. Grow your citizenship and leadership skills, mindsets and capabilities. Build your professional network with public servants, active citizens and social entrepreneurs from the mountains to the sea.
We hope you will share this opportunity widely with your network. If you have any questions in the meantime, please to send them our way at hello@nceducationcorps.org.
Yours in Service,
The NC Education Corps Team

Help us build a corps of changemakers dedicated to building a better North Carolina.
November 16, 2020